Sunday, May 6, 2012

My Terminology

Philip K Dick’s last scheduled book, The Owl in Daylight, was intended to draw forth the parallels between the three ages of man.  The originator of this concept, Joachim de Fiore, divided the ages into; the age of the father, the son and the Holy Spirit.  PKD reinterpreted Joachim’s original into a modified form.

From Wikipedia:  “The plot [of Owl in Daylight] was to express what he believed was an evolutionary step in humanity, using an interpretation of Joachim de Fiore, where he believed that one age of humanity used the left side of the brain, another the right, and the future would combine the two leading to a greater understanding of what is real. Moreover, the use of Dante was to demonstrate how hell, purgatory and heaven can all be experiences of life, showing how the world is experienced according to the left, right and whole of the brain.”

Here is my interpretation of how this might have played out:

It is relevant that Dante considered the “Beatific vision” to be the way to perceive god.  In any event, this chart should give an understanding of all the terminology I use and how I associate it. 

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